Christian Voice and the BNP
However, Christian Voice have had some help handing out their leaflets by the racsit and vile group, the British Nationalist Party, the BNP handed out the Christian Voice leaflets claiming that they were righting discrimination against "The Christian Majoirty", in actual fact the majority of Christiansts don't give two hoots about Jerry Springer: The Oprea.
Christian Voice were "shocked and horrified" that the BNP have been handing out their leaflets, I would guess they were shiocked that anyone would want to help them and hand out their leaflets. However Christian Voice were also upset becuase the BNP are "purveyors of hate" while Christian Voice are "Purveyors of love. We're Christians." Ah yes is this the same kind of 'Christian Love' that allows homophobia? The same kind of 'Christian Love' that makes them want to oppress women? that make them think that Christianity is right and every other religious faith believers will burn in the eternal fires of hell?
The Christian Vioce fundlemanalist group should not moan the BNP is supporting them, after all they share alot in common, they share the hatered of homosexuals, they share the want to locked women in the kitchen and take away the right of the woman to have an abortion, they share the intorlarance of other faiths. Christian Voice want to have a Christian rule over the UK, BNP want White rule (probably Christian, since Britian is a 'Christian country' according to them.)
I know that I said this before, but Christian Voice is a minority fundlemetnalist Christian group and they are holding back Christianity, along with other fundlementalist nutters who are not willing to move Christianity into the 21st Century and modernise, and want to leave Christianity in the 19th Century and leave it to die a death as a backwards, homophobic, anti-women, conservative organisation, which only a few nutty Christians are, and the publicity then get, especailly publicity that shows Christian Voice's points of views are supported by the vile BNP, is very negitive and will result in the Christian church being seen as stuck in the dark ages and has no place in modern day Britain, while in actual fact that may not be the case. (Although I am still atheist)
Anyway, I just add this to say Good Luck to Jerry Springer: The Oprea, after seeing it on the BBC Screening of it, I personally thought it was very good and I wish their UK tour all the best.
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