Friday, January 13, 2006

Proof that 1 in 10 of 16-19 year olds are idiots

The Learning and Skills Council have conducted a survey that found out that 16% of young people in England (not Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland though:P) are stupid.

The survey found that 1 in 10 thought that celebrity was the best way to get famous and rich without qualifications or skills, it also found that many young people thought that after they have been on Big Brother or Pop Idol or other such rubbish they would still be famous... I know I never watched Big Brother or Pop Idol or anything like that, but I don't know the names of any of the contestants that been on either show, and I am pretty sure that the winners of every Big Brother that's been open to "normal" members of the public are not famous, I dont know the names of any of them and I am sure that I would not recongise any of the faces of the contestants of Big Brother or Pop Idol and nor would I think anyone would recongise their faces.

Also I doubt they earn a lot of money, apart from the occasional guess appearance for local events, television or radio shows or magazines, all of which have to be absolutely desperate and run out of "proper celebritries" to invite (Of course there are far better people who are not famous or celebrities...).

As for Pop Idol or Popstars or even X-factor, the winners of those usually dont last more then a few months (bar a few) and the other contestants are never seen or heard of again.

I wonder if the 16% that think reality TV is the quickest way to fame ever think of what happends to them after, they seem to be so thick that they think that dropping out of education to be made of a complete tit on national television to make them famous are obviously already slightly stupid and so hooked up on the concept of 'celeb' they have no concept that Big Brother is only 15 minutes for being famous for being humilitated on national television of Big Brother, or having a terrible singing voice on X-Factor and Simon Cowell making you cry like a sissy in front of the entire audience.

However, those 1 in 10 should go on such programmes becuase they derserve everything they get and they should get absolutley sod all for having such a terrible plan and putting fame and celebritiy in front the more important and mature stuff of education and intelligence.

Random Fact:

film star Veronica Lake nearly sabotaged the Allied war effort by her "Peek-A-Boo" hairstyle from the film from "I Wanted Wings" was widely copied by women working in munitions factories, where it was responsible for industrial accidents, with the fringe often becoming caught in machinery. The US government asked Paramount Studios not to release any more pictures in which Lake wore the Peek-A-Boo. Paramount agreed, and the deadly fashion died out.


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