More Proof that New "Labour" is a one way ticket to long term oppisition
The massive defeat for New "Labour" in former Labour heartlands of Blaenau Gwent is yet ahgain more proof of the serious threat that the New "Labour" project is, and the threat that Blairism poses to the future of the Labour Party.
Blaenau Gwent was Labour safest seat in Wales and was home to some of the most famous, important key figures in the history of the Labour Party, most notable is Aneurin "Nye" Bevan, who was the Health Minister the brought in the National Health Service (the greatest achievement of any Labour government to date) uder the 1945-51 Attlee's Labour government, a man who was a good socialist, and a political idol of mine.
The seat was also home to the left wing leader of the Labour Party, Michael Foot, who lead Labour in the 1980s.
Now we have lost that historic seat, our former safe seat, thanks to the policies of Tony Blair and his New "Labour" project, the people are now fed up of New "Labour" taking traditional Labour areas like Blaenau Gwent for granted, they are fed up of New "Labour" only doing things, and saying things to chase votes in Middle England, they are fed up of New "Labour" not caring about deprived areas like Blaenau Gwent.
The vote yesterday was against the sleazy, corrupt, slightly right of centre policies of New "Labour" a vote against the neglect of the grassroots of the Labour Party, of traditional Labour voters, a votre against New "Labour" chasing the few votes in swing seats like Blaenau Gwent, the Clause IV of the Labour Party saids '...For the many and not just the few', while the policies of New "Labour" are '...for the few and not the many.'
The impact of loosing Blaenau Gwent is huge, it is a clear sign of the failure of the New "Labour" project, of it's failure to deliever in places like Blaenau Gwent, of it's failure to listen to the people, like those in Blaenau Gwent and its failure to make any great improvement on the lives of the worse off in our communties.
The vote in Blaenau Gwent was a vote for socialism, against the policies of New "Labour" that do very little for deprived communties like Blaenau Gwent, this is a vote against the spineless politicans, the politicans that follow the party line blindly, the politicans that do not represent the consituants but represent the party, the politicans that do not vote what is best for their consituancy but why the party whips tell them how to vote, this is a vote against a spineless politican, one that follows party lines blindly, agains thte unthinking politicans and most of all a vote against Tony Blair and his New "Labour" let down.
This is a clear sign, that New "Labour" is now a serious risk, that we no longer have any safe seats, that our grassroot, core voters are leaving us and that this could very well be repeated time and time again in other consituancies, with traditional Labour voters leaving Labour for someone who they think is more left wing then Labour, be it Indepdent, Lib Dems, RESPECT, Green or maybe even the Tories and we could loose those seats from the lost of vote, this has been shown it can either be done by a direct lost in Blaenau Gwent, or a loss of votes going else where but allowing another party to win, like the Tories.
The disasterous election results in the Local Council elections in England this year and in countless by-elections are all showing that the New "Labour" Project has had it's day, that people are fed up of Blair, fed up of Blairsm and fed up of a party that just chases the middle class votes, and the votes it needs to survive, the grassroot, core voters are leaving us, and that is serious, because without them we can never be a government again.
Indeed New "Labour" may try and blame something other then themselves, they claim that Blaenau Gwent is unique, that Charles Clarke's comment cost them, that is was a sympathy vote, that it was because of all the bad news headlines, that the butterflies were farting too loud, they would blame anything but themselves, but the blame falls on the lap of Tony Blair and New "Labour" we are loosing safe seats because of their neglect, of there policies and of their failure to do much for the working classes, for the poorest and worse off in our country, the very people we in the Labour Party use to fight for, the very thing Labour should stand for. The "Labour" Party in government is not the Labour Party I want, I dont want a Labour party that stands for corruption, sleaze, a small selection of middle england, spin, privatisation of the NHS, fighting for the few and authoritarianism, if I wanted that I would have joint the Tories. I want a Labour Party that strives to improve our communities, that fights the good fight, that improves the lives of the poorest in Britain, that improves the NHS and not privatises it, that believes that economic stability and social justice can go hand in hand and it is not one or another, a Labour Party that puts people before profit, that redistributes the wealth effectively and fairly, a Labour Party that truely is the peoples party and I believe that is the Labour Party we use to have, that the core vaules of the Labour Party are still in the party and that we will have a Labour Party that is centre-left, democratic socialist, or at very least social democratic in the future, and not the current "Labour" Party of the 'radical' centre/third way, of spin and scandal.
This is the start of the end of the New "Labour" project and that I hope that it dies not before time, I hope that we see the fall of the New "Labour" project after we loose a general election, that way, they cannot blame "Old" Labour for the fall, that way the blame of the end of "Labour" govenrment falls on them, and that way they will be discredited and the old 'right' of the party can make an attempt to get elected back into the leadership of Labour and concentrate on making Labour electable once more, rather then the unelectibility of New "Labour".
There are lessons we must learn from Blaenau Gwent and those lessons are clear, they are the lessons that New "Labour" is a sinking ship, that is has failed, the lessons that if we take our core vote for granted then they will take their votes else where, a message that we must listen and act on the concerns of the most deprived communities and not do what Tony Blair and New "Labour" does and pretend to listen and don't act.
When we loose the safe Labour seat of Baenau Gwent by 2,500 votes for Westmisnter and a majority of over 4,000. Those majorities are very big, and show the scale of mistrust, of dislike, of disllisuionment, of unhappiness with the Labour Party, thanks to New "Labour", these massive defeats are a clear sign that New "Labour" is not working, that they are wrecking the Labour Party, that people in deprived communties are fed up of being taken by granted by Tony Blair and the New "Labour" leadership, that people are fed up of the lack of any democratic socialist vaules in the Labour Party, of any social democratic vaules in the Labour Party, under the corruption of New "Labour" and the destruction of what Labour use to stand for, of what Labour should stand for, and what I believe Labour will stand for once again in the future.
When the New "Labour" project dies, in what I hope, is a not too distance future (but not before it looses a general election), that we will see a return of a real Labour Party in Britain.
I believe that a move to the cetnre-left will lead to a Labour government that does the right thing, that stands up for the worse off, for the poorest, that fights for the deprived communties and not a fight for middle England.
We can no longer take traditional Labour seats for granted and we have to listen to them and act on what they say, we have to fight for them and ensure they get what they deserve, of what a Labour government should be delievering to the people, and what should lead to the end of New "Labour" vaules of pretending to listen, of authoritirianism, of privatisation of public services, of wasting money in PFIs that do not work, of not rebuilding the hope in communities in Blaeunau Gwent, of wasting money on Weapons of Mass Destruction that could be better spent in the NHS, in redistribution, or in giving our armed forces decent equiptment, rather then them having to beg, borrow and steal off the Americans.
This is the start of the end of the dark days of New "Labour" the end of the project and the end of Tony Blair and his cornies, and will see the Labour Party raising for the ashes once more, to become back to the peoples' party and once again be the party of fairness and social justice.
The people are fed up with the careerist politicans leading the Labour Party at the moment, the politicans that have no vaules or princibles other then there own personal gain and puting their careers first (why else would Tony Blair writtien a letter to Michael Foot in the 1980s supporting him and opposing what was then the right of the party) people want politicans with vaules, that have princibles and that believe in what they are saying and say what they believe, rather then the careerist mob that believe in saying what will improve their careers and do not have any vaules, princibles other then that.
The era of New "Labour" is surely coming to an end.
Random Fact:
Shoppers spend £46m a year on "distraction buys" - items bought to mask embarrassing purchases, such as condoms and treatments for piles, in the same shopping basket.