Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Anti-Human rights, Europhobic and anti-devolution the "new" look of the Tories

The changing face of the Tories, eh?, who would have guessed there would have been such a radical change from the old party that opposed human (and workers) rights, had a Europhobic attitude and opposed devolution to the party of today, that wants to leave the European Convention of human rights, wants to move their MEPs out of the Centre-Right wing bloc in the European parliament because they are too "pro-European" (Though there is some suggestion 'Dave' Cameron has lied about that) and has blocked a bill going through the House of Lords giving Wales more devolved powers, some radical changes.

'Dave' Cameron, everyones' best friend, the cool, hip and happening youngster, mr "I hate punch and judy politics but will do it all the time in PMQs", good ol' Davey boy, he wants to repeal the nasty Human Rights Act and replace it with a Bill of Rights, yea, that will teach the Europeans and their convention on Human rights, that covention is not for us, oh no....wait? Oh he doesn't want to pull out of the European Convention of Human Rights, he just wants to repeal human rights laws? Oh right, well that doesn't send out mixed signals at all does it, no, we can have our cake and eat it, we can have it both ways cant we, 'Dave' Cameron, he can say that he will have it both ways to try and please as many people as possible, we can stay in the convention of human rights, while not following the rules of the convention, yea, that makes perfect sense and is not "xenophobic and legal nonense" (Former Tory/Conservative Chancellor Ken Clarke's words and not mine), and this is definitly not 'Dave' pandering to the right wing (Dave? right wing? Never!) tabliods of the Daily Mail who opposes the Human Rights Act and wants something more British, oh no, this is 'Dave' using his own initive that just so happends to be in line with the rignt wing tabliods, its conscience, seriously, there is nothing populist in what 'Dave' is saying at all, oh no no no, it might be popular to the masses and saying what everyone wants to hear but its not populist, no no, not at all.

The Lords altering the Government of Wales Bill by both Tory and Fib Dem hands is again not the return to the old ways of the old Tories, no, I dont think this is an attempt to undermime the Welsh Assembly by stopping the bill getting through just because of some concern over the names of committees and how they are made up, and also the oppisition parties wanting to undermime Welsh democracy by allowing 'loosers become winners' (how would stopping cannidates from standing in both the consituancy and regional list seats help Labour? surely it wouldn't have any effect since the list seat members will stand for the list seat again?), so there excuses do not really wash on me, it is clearly an attempt to undermime the Welsh Assembly, either because they don't like it, like the Tories or because they want to make electoral gain from failure like the Fib Dems.

But, lets get back to Mr.Cameroo, 'Dave', the Green man, the man on a massive Eco trip, ah David Cameron, nothing shows his green credentials more then him riding a bike, with his chauffeur driven papers, shirt and shoes, yea, there is nothing more green then having a car just for your papers, shirt and shoes while going around trying to con voters that you are green by rididng a bike to work while having that car follow you with the chauffeur driven papers, shirt and shoes, yea that is very green isn't it, just like flying to the Antartic to see the polar ice caps melt and then flying back again, on a vehicle which is appearently contributing to the metling of the ice caps more then any other (don't get me wrong though, I oppose taxing air travel since it will mean that working class people cannot travel on holidays aboard)

Its fantastic that the Tories have picked the "heir to Blair" (Hopefully Cameron will in that case do as much damage to the Tories as Blair and his New Labour cronies has done to the Labour Party.) especally when the public is fed up of the sleaze, scandal and corruption that Blairism and New Labour have brought to the Labour Party and this "Labour" Government, just like the sleaze, scandals and corruption of the previous Tory government, so the "heir to Blair" (and if he is telling that to the red lot, then he won't get many Labour voters) or the "Liberal Conservative" or the "Conservative through and through" or the "Vote Blue go Green"(probably be being sick?) or the "We are nice really, please vote for us, we are populist, please please with sugar on the top" party or "the party with no policy" or whatever Cameron is at this very second, it is so hard to keep up with him, thinks that he can pull the wool over the voters eyes for long, he got another thing coming, the public might be fed up with Blairism, the corruption, failure and rot of New Labour, but they do not want to see it replaced with a Tory government that will no doubt end up doing more harm to the country then good, and not doing any of the few good things to come, even out of this crappy and under achieving Labour government. (The polls suggest the likely hood of a hung parliament, but there is a while to go yet).

The choice that the poor old British public have to make though is not good, New Labour lead by a Blairite (Blair, Brown, Miliband, Milburn, Ried, take your pick) or a Tory party lead by a Tony Blair clone (spin, populist adgenda and the like) or the Fib Dems who cannot be trusted at all by their record in local government and the contrictions in their messages across the country, or some other minor party (take your pick), choice? what choice?

Random Fact:

George Bernard Shaw named his shed after the UK capital so that when visitors called they could be told he was away in London.


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