Thursday, May 11, 2006

Who Wants To Be A Tory Bastard?

Well the Tories have drawn up an "A-list" of pillocks....I mean people who want to join "Dave" David "Flip-Flop" Cameron "the Chamelion" and appearently one of the names on it acording to the media, on the list is the FAILED Soap "Star", Come FAILED Pop "Star" and soon to be FAILED Tory Cannidate; Adam Rickett, the so-called "Ego-Warrior" Zac Goldsmith (How are the Tories Green?)

So lets look at the three people, Adam Rickett, who is a probably reasonable well-off failure who would lack to see tax breaks for himself and the rest of the rich few friends, and I am sure Rickett will just be their to get votes for looks "Oh look at me, my name is Adam Ricket, ladies please vote for me, I got boyish looks and a six pack, I dont know much about politics but I got a six pack, our policies don't matter because I look sexy and you should vote for me on that" it is obvious that is why he is on the list, a washed-up "famous" person, and I guess he is just a normal right wing, middle class Tory, that just so happends to be young, good looking and have a six pack and Cameron hopes that people are shallow enough to vote for that. (If he does think that he will be greatly mistaken, the British people are Very Intelligent and care about the Policies of the Party, and not just the looks of the cannidates)

The next one is the "Ego-Warrior" Zac Goldsmith, excuse me but why is an "Ego-warrior" joining a total un-green Party, a party that is folling people it is green. Cameron is a hyprocrite, he rides on his bike, while he has a CAR following him carring for HIM a clean shirt, and a pair of shoes, now what is the point of riding your bike while having your car following you? That is a pointless exercise just to get photographs and look popular, while Cameron is just the same old Blue unegological Tory, the fact that he flies to the Anartic for a photograph about the ice caps melting, when air travel is a cause of global warming, so its a bit ironic just for a couple of photographs Cameron helps melt theice caps.

Random Facts:

Rats smell in "stereo" - the rodents' brain responding differently to smells from the left and right.


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