"Voting Error" Gave Labour the election
A senior figure of the Electoral Commission, Alex Gitady, has told how Labour winning the election was down to a "voting error" Gitady claims the mistake happend when over 10,000s people voted the wrong way, and they voted for Labour instead of the other party in which they wanted to vote, had they voted the other way, he claims that the seats would have gone to another political party.
Gitady, from Israel, claims the incedent happend because people put the cross in the wrong box and actually meant to put it into some other box and if the cross went into another box, that the Tories would have won the election, he now urges changes to the system and suggest we should not actually count what they actually voted for, but what we think they really wanted to vote for.
However a senior member of the Labour Party dismissed the claims,
"This is a ridiculous statement, Gitadys claims that 'unnamed' people might have put their mark next to the wrong box...I am afaird this kind of tittle-tattle comes when people are bitter about who wins elections.
Labour won it hands down, if a reason is needed for Labour winning the election, then maybe he should look at the policies of the Labour Party and what Labour have done for hard working families in Britain for the past 8 years we were in power and what we will do in the future for hard working families in the next 4 to 5 years of Labour governmnet, taking Britain forward and not back to a doomed Tory past."
This claim comes just days after Alex Gilady made a simular claim about London winning the opympic bids by "voting error"
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