Monday, August 07, 2006

I am sueing my old school

Since "Cross-Country running" has been called a form of abuse I have decided to contact a lawyer who will take up my case and my catlogue of years and years of abuse in both primary and secondary school, where I was calassy and mailously forced to run around the block in nothing but a t-shirt, shorts and trainers, for this so-called "Cross Country" running, I am sure that the lawyer and myself can fill our greedy boots at the expense of a state-school, so what if it needs the money to keep things running, I don't care so long as I get money, as far as I concerend they can close the music department, libary, IT, Drama and extra help for people who need it, let them suffer so I can fill my own shoes.

The school wll suffer for the abuse of making me keep fit, I also plan to sue them over forcing me to sit down for hours, forcing me to write and work, forcing me to bring "homework" home to do in my own time and forcing me to get an education, I am sure that learning shakespear, doing english, being forced to learn maths were all the breach of my human rights and were all forms of abuse which was carried out in my primary and secondary school, and I am sure that some greedy and immoral companies as I type this are willing to sue schools over such terrible breachs of my human rights, I will show them, how dare they try to give me an education and try and keep me healthy and stop me getting obese, like the children of today have the right and benifit of being, they will suffer for stopping me become an uneducated fat bulk of lard, by the time my lawyers and I have finished, the state-school will be so much in debate, that they be paying me for the next 5 years!!

That will show them, that they cannot go around ensuring that children are educated and healthy and are shaped to become intelligent and thinking young adults...wait they don't do the last bit....I mean and eensure that children are shaped to becoming unthinking workers that do not ask questions...

Random Fact:

In ancient Rome a popular belief was that amber was formed from lynx urine: darker colours from the male and lighter coloured amber from the female lynx. Amber actually is a very light stone made from the fossilized resin of trees, but the ancient Romans didn't know that.


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