Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A New dawn for Wales?

Plaid had a very important descion to make today, do they join the All Wales Accord and form a coalition with the Tories and the Liberal Democrats, or to form a coalition with Welsh Labour and deliever a strong, centre-left, progressive government. The anwser was that they would form a progrssive coalition with Labour, and the "One Wales" document is a very good one, that offers a real opportunities to improve Wales.

One of the first commitments in the documents is a referendum on a scottish stlye parliament (finally), if public opinion permits it that is, and with a recent BBC poll giving support for a full-law making parliament with power to vary taxes being at 47%, with 44% against, if this poll is accurate then it indicates that there is still a sizable propotion of Wales that wants a parliament,however I believe that they can be won around, and have to be, because if we don't and hold a referendum that fails, it would be disasterous for both Plaid and devolutionists in other parties.

The next big thingis the ideas for the NHS, this document will end any threat and what little Privatisation that had happend in the NHS in Wales (and it was little) and will make sure that the Welsh NHS is fully publically owned, and remains true to the socialist principles, that the great Welsh man, Nye Bevan, founded them on. With no internal market,

The ending of PFIs in Wales, and private sector NHS hospitals is a huge, and positive step for Wales to take, and will greatly improve our health service in Wales, I think, since PFIs have shown to be a waste of public money in England and would have done the same here, Wales must show that an NHS true to it's socialist principles can work, and that it works better then the New "Labour" model, that would might help the centre-left in England win the arguement on the NHS, and end the PFI, privatisation programmes there, with Wales once again, leading the way.

The suspention of the right to buy, in areas were there is housing shortages, is another positive and progressive step, and another example of what the new Prime Minister Gordon Brown, can learn from this "One Wales" document. The housing crisis in Britain vcalls for radical action, and this kind of action might help end the crisis, along with the other actions also promised in the "One Wales" document, which includes more funding for social houses, and more. This again is a quiet a strong, social democratic, move by the "One Wales" document, and something which both members of Plaid and Labour should be proud of, if it is delieverd on.

The Welsh Language also does well in this, with extra funding, a new Welsh language act and more Welsh medium education, all of which will help protect and promote the Welsh language, which needs to be protected since it is a vital part of Welsh society, our culture and pyshe (although it should not be protected at the expense of English speakers, it does not have to be a "Zero Sum Game", as some in both Welsh Labour and Plaid seem to think.)

Even though I haven't gone through that I think is fantastic in this document (and there is a lot I really like), I think that this document is a radical, progressive piece that, if implement, will go a long why to improving Wales for everyone.

The Red-Green coalition is a sign that both Welsh Labour and Plaid has matured as political parties, and that the Welsh Assembly, after 8 years, has finally come of age, and is functioning like it is meant to, as a system of coalition government, of co-operation and that will improve the lives of the Welsh people, and when that starts to happen, and is showing to happen, I am sure that the Welsh people will entrust the Assembly with Scottish stlye, full law making and tax varying powers.

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At 10:03 am , Blogger susan press said...

wish I lived in Wales - have linked to your blog.......

At 2:25 am , Blogger Geraint said...

Thanks, I think this blog entry is more full of hope then it should be, just have to wait and see if the Labour-Plaid document delivers.

At 3:08 pm , Blogger Clear Red Water said...


Come on, from one lefty to another lets get real.

Labour has met targets on waiting lists by having to use some private medical services. Although this should be small, to shut off this option may mean people waiting longer.

PFI- we hardly have any PFI hospitals, but we have roads, schools etc- again you make no mention how the welsh assembly can find the funding needed to repair and build new health centres. I am all for have as little PFI as possible, but again this promise is hardly difficult as there isnt any plans to use PFI anyway.

Tell me then if you believe home owner grants and laptops are a good use of money? I am sure you have opposed both policies here.

There is no welsh language act in the agreement- but do you agree that we should be watering down our promise for new apprenticeships yet promising to spend new money on getting all university's to offer welsh language degrees?

The reasons Plaid didnt push for a new language act is because Gwynedd would have to provide the same rights to english speakers in all they do...hmmm.

Housing- the housing committment was already promised by Labour. Plaid have brought only the need to start giving affordable housing on linguistic grounds. Very inclusive i am sure you will agree?

At 4:07 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the bloggers of free Wales!

Happy Independence Day (July4th)


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