Sunday, June 24, 2007

Gordon Brown Meme

I been tagged by Normal Mouth to do this, so here it goes.

Two things Gordon Brown should be proud of

1)The record investment in public services, the investment has led to improvements in health and education, the evidence of improvement is there, if you look at what it was like in 1990s and what it is like now. Waiting lists are lower then what they were, and state schools are now in a better state than in 1997.

2)Dispelling the myth that the Tories are the only party that can run the economy. Under 10 years of Gordon Brown being the Chancellor (longest time anyone has ever been Chancellor) we have seen economic growth, and have had a strong economy. Showing that Labour can be trusted with running the economy.

Two things he should apologise for.

1) The gap between rich and poor. It is too big and has grown under him, this is a big disaster and failure for a Labour government, and something which they should be ashamed about.

2)The lack of council housing. The housing crisis is something which has come about under this government, due to the sale of council homes and not enough being re-build to meet demand. The government should have invested more money into tackling this problem.

Two things that he should do immediately when he becomes PM.

1) Be himself. He should not try to act different to try and attract votes, because it is firstly what Cameron is doing, and if Brown tries to do it too it would make it more difficult to attack him and also the public are fed up with spin, and I believe that Gordon Brown can win votes by being himself.

2)Look again at the policy of PFIs, and if they are really improving education and health, and how they can be reformed so that they do work to imrpove services instead of being the black hole they are at the moment, or if they can be abolished without having a serious effect on services.

Two things he should do while he is PM.

1) Tackle the growing gap betwene the rich and the poor in Britain. This is one of the biggest crisis facing the UK today, and it is something that must be addressed, if Labour is to retain it's reputation as a caring party and a social democratic party.

2) Show David Cameron for what he really is.

Tag others

I meant to tag some other people, now so I hereby tag Ted Jones, Tom Miller. and new blogger, Owen Jones

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