Thursday, November 03, 2005

My first blog entry, well here anyway....

Righio, this is my first blog entry, on this anyway and I am going to keep this one short. I will also start off as I mean to go on, Politics!

David Blunkett resigned from cabinet again, today, after "mistakes". David Blunkett made the right descion of resigning I believe, it must have been pretty bad judgement to take a role in DNA Bioscience, while out of cabinet, however he did know, everyone with half a brain knew, that he would be back after Labour's historic Third Term Victory. The biggest reason for him to resign is not the fact he made the mistake, but the fact it would give the Tories something to embrass the Labour government with if he stayed in, and although Howard has the nerve to call Tony Blair a lame duck (Who won the elections Michael?).

I guess this is the end of David's cabinet career, although I doubt it be the last time the media will leave him alone.

Something random:

The Russian military has lost track of more than 100 suitcase sized nuclear bombs, any one of which could kill up to 100,000 people.


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